Friday 16 November 2012

Flashback Friday.. Le Tigre - 'Deceptacon'

I've been slaving at a Kathleen Hanna biography for my university Life Writing module for what feels like an age, and naturally this has lead to me doing a load of research to do with the '90's Riot Grrrl movement and feminism. I say this like it's a chore - it's not, I've quite enjoyed the research, reading and watching material on Riot Grrrl et al.

Subsequently this led to this post! If you've not heard of Kathleen Hanna, she is the feminist punk singer of the bands Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, and has recently restarted, The Julie Ruin, originally Hanna's '90's solo project and now a band. However, 'Deceptacon' is a Le Tigre song, and it is very addictive jarring and poppy dance punk.

It's largely believed that 'Deceptacon' is a response to the NOFX song 'Kill Rock Stars', where the band really tear into Hanna and the riot grrrl movement, although it is definitely worth pointing out that the lyrics include 'Don't dare tag me misogynist/ I thought the goal here was mutual respect' don't really throw the group in the anti-women pile. 'Deceptacon' itself references the 'Who took the bomp?... Ram-a-lam-a-ding dong' lyrics from the Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies - a cover band including Fat Mike from NOFX - who covered the song 'Who Put the Bomp', and it's worth noting that Le Tigre have altered the lyrics to imply having something taken from them/ being scorned in some way. With prior knowledge, the song is really is a double-middle-fingers-up to the original NOFX tirade.

Like I said, 'Deceptacon' is addictive, and there's really no point in getting all political and argumentative in music if it  doesn't actually sound good. But it is. So listen!

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