Tuesday 26 March 2013

Rapid Review.. Peace - 'In Love (Deluxe Edition)'

So, any self-respecting Peace fan has most definitely heard the album by now, after it was streamed in its entirety via NME.com. I could have reviewed it then, like every other music blogger/vlogger/journo-nut did, HOWEVER I abstained, and waited resolutely for my signed deluxe copy to drop through the post.

This was not helped however, by this God awful weather that has swooped upon the nation. We are 5 days from April. NO APRIL NEEDS SNOW! Whilst it may look pretty, the novelty dies rather rapidly (aka. as soon as you step outside) and this as had the unsavoury repercussion of keeping my local postie from my fine looking door. But today - finally (OK, OK, 1 day after release date is not bad, though I was hoping for it to arrive in advance) - Peace's album finally found its way into my eager mitts.

The debut album by the Birmingham four-piece, In Love, speaks of, well, love. It's music has a rosy tinted glow, it's warm and inviting, and would definitely be the perfect soundtrack to a chilled out summer evening, similar to fellow "B-Town" name-makers, Swim Deep. As we well know, every single/EP song that has preceded has so far exceeded the last - 'Bloodshake', 'California Daze', 'Wraith', 'Follow Baby' (see what I had to say about the new re-recorded version) - and such a high standard resulted in my overly high expectations for this album. Were they met? Well, the more I listen to In Love, the more I think so.

'Higher Than The Sun' hits the ground running; if a Peace virgin were to hear this song, they would know exactly what they are letting themselves in for, it epitomises exactly what Peace are about - optimism, love and fun. Because Peace are a fun band, as evidenced by the second song 'Follow Baby' - so good they released it twice. As stated in one of my previous posts, the song manages to feel familiar (The Horrors, Nirvana) yet unique at the same time, though I do still prefer the scuzzier vocal of the original version. 'Lovesick' recalls The Cure's 'Friday, I'm In Love', whilst the ever indulgent 'Wraith' still retains its glow. Things slow down for the first time with 'Float Forever' - a song which sounds deceivingly like its fellow album inhabitant 'California Daze' which, in the boxing ring, still emerges as the superior song.

It is midway through the album that we encounter the first of the In Love (Deluxe) bonus tracks (they have been interspersed throughout). 'Drain' is a song that has managed to forge itself a very special place within my heart. After the singles which, whilst having not lost their sparkle, have lost that early addictive satisfaction that comes when first falling in love with a song, 'Drain' is the song that really hits home with me, so much so that I find it positively scandalous that it is not included in the standard version of In Love, as it feels like such a pivotal benchmark within the album. Whilst at times Peace can feel rather precise, there is a deconstructed segment that makes the listener do a double take - as does the deceivingly premature ending found a little later on, it is the gem that standard edition owners have been robbed of. For me at least, the rest of the album is certainly a 'post-Drain' affair. That said, 'Delicious', 'Waste Of Paint', 'Toxic' and 'Sugarstone' are all what we'd expect from Peace, with 'Waste Of Paint' being a particular '90's infused anthem with a killer chorus. Other bonus tracks 'Step A Little Closer', 'Scumbag' and the Peace song, 'Bloodshake' only enhance what it an already strong album. Songs that I'd earmark for future singles would be 'Lovesick' and 'Waste Of Paint'.

Have Peace changed the indie rock world? The long and short of it is 'no', but it is not something for which I care, as for all their influences worn on the cuffs of their gaudy vintage shirts, Peace embody everything good about the nostalgia wave and re-work it into something fresh and relevant - because Peace can write good songs! - and quite frankly, this is all that I care about! ;D

Standard CD(10 track), Deluxe CD(14 track) and vinyl and MP3 editions of In Love are out now.


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