Hi there, it's been a while, hasn't it?
You've probably noticed (if anyone follows this blog at all), but there's been a lack of blog posts lately, in fact, I've barely written at all. I planned to over the Christmas holiday once I had handed in all of my uni coursework, and just found myself feeling very uninspired . My usual format of blog posts weren't interesting me at all, despite enjoying various new music lately. I know that I've uploaded posts like this before, but I struggle with creativity at times, especially as I've gotten older. I think a lot of it stems from exam targets at school, and whilst university is a results based environment, there's a significant amount of time that I'd like to fill productively. I've said before on here that I'd like to start a business of sorts, or being my own business, especially with local job prospects being sporadic at best.
Anyway, back to the blog! I admit, I like life orderly (at least by my own terms, anyway) and I've flirted before with the idea of incorporating different types of posts - outside of music - within this blog. Last time, I decided to keep ELECTRAGRRL totally music based and house topical/arts/film/fashion etc posts elsewhere, however, I found it difficult to juggle the two with other things - my own bad time management, I know! However, seeing as this has more readership, I've considered blending the two once again. It'll be kind of nice to have a central area for proceedings, my only reservations are that it may get a tad cluttered. Let's see how it rolls!
I aim to be posting more often, however I've recently joined a social media website/app called Backspaces,
here's mine. Backspaces is what can only be described as a combination of the image aspect of Instagram and the text immediacy of Twitter, except with a longer word allowance. In combining both of these, the user can tell stories; it is best described as an app for diary entries. I'm quickly becoming hooked to it, however the amount of users it has it very small in comparison to Twitter or Instagram; as far as I'm aware, in my group of friends, or even extending that to Facebook alumni, I am the only one who uses it.
Have a look at my profile and sign up to get a feel of what Backspaces is about - it's free!
That's all I can think of for now, if you see any new tabs pop up on the head bar in the next few days, don't be too shocked!